I’ve done it!

What a week! It has been a really good one thought. I’ve been to the gym 2x. I’ve done Wii Active 2x. I am making my goals happen! Keith and I also were able to go out to a nice dinner on Thursday night for yummy Italian.

This weekend should be pretty great. I’m going home to relax and nap right after work then going to the gym to toarch some calories. I’m really feeling the difference in my body that the gym is making. I don’t think I’ve lost a lot of weight yet, but it will come.

After the gym we are going to see some jazz artists and eat a dinner prepared by the culinary students at Elgin Community College. It should be fun. Mom and dad are joining us which will make the evening perfect.

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and Keith and I have 0 plans except to enjoy the day together and he is making me dinner while I make dessert. It should be very nice. I love it when Keith and I can just spend a whole day together as a couple.

Okay well off to get some work done. TTYL!

Here I am!

My weekend was good, but LAZY. Execept for a brief trip to the grocery store on Sunday, I didn’t leave the house all weekend. What is with me? Why can’t I get my butt in gear sometimes. Sigh. I did workout Saturday night at home and something *is* better than nothing but come on, not leaving the house all weekend? What am I a shut in?

So, I’m going to try and get on here every Monday and post my goals for the week. My girlfriend, Cynthia, does this and she rocks at goal-getting.

Monday: Gym for C25k and Weights
Tuesday: Gym for Misc Cardio
Wednesday: Wii Active in the Am
Thursday: Wii Active, Gym for C25k and Weights
Friday: Wii Active in the Am
Saturday: Gym for C25k and Weights
Sunday: Wii Active

I am usually awake for 1-2 hours in the morning BEFORE I need to get ready, I don’t know why I can take 30 minutes of that time to do Wii Active especially on days where I know I don’t have time to workout at night. I’m going to try and get myself into it this week.

Some fun things happening this week, I figure I should have at least 1 thing per day to balance out the exercise right?

Monday: Reading for at least 30 minutes
Tuesday: Reading for at least 30 minutes
Wednesday: Going out with my high school girlfriends
Thursday: Day off from work, so catch up on tv day
Friday: Guyfriend comes over for vino
Saturday: Going out with my parents to hear jazz and eat yummy food
Sunday: Valentine’s Day, I think we’ll be just staying in but I promised Keith I would make him a yummy dessert.

So there ya have it, my week. Now I just need the willpower to stick with it!

I’m here!

I’m not posting much lately because there really isn’t all that much going on with me.

Work is going well. I think I’ve found a great spot for me. I like my coworkers, I like what I do, for the *most* part I am really happy.

Life? Things are going well there too. I’m really getting into working out and this month I’ve averaged 35 minutes of exercise per day thus far, and I’ve very proud of this. Next week I’m going to start getting back into running form.

I’m loving the Blackhawks right now, it is nice to see a team where a loss is uncommon! We went out with my BIL’s on Tuesday night to see them play and unfortunately they lost but it was still fun to see them. Last night I got to hangout with Jen, I love visiting with her and tomorrow night I get to hangout with Christine. So it is a great week socially.

Not much else going on. I’m just willing on the spring. I’m sick of winter already. I just want to get outside and RUN!

We’ve got the blues

I am so glad this weekend is here. It is just what Keith and I need. After I get off work today, I am going to go home and do Wii Active, then take a nap. Once I wake up Keith and I are off to the city to go to the Essex Inn to stay overnight so we can see Buddy Guy, which is Keith’s birthday present from me.

I can’t wait for our mini getaway. It will be nice to be able to wander downtown and have some quality, not at our place, time with Keith.

I will not worry about working out. If I get Wii Active in this afternoon, I will be 4/4 on that and 2/2 on getting to the gym. Not too bad for this week and I need to allow myself the break. I can always get back and will get back to the gym tomorrow. Today is about Keith and I and having fun :-).

Now I just need to get through the next 3.5 hours at work…

Look at me go!

Last weekend was pretty great. I was able to get some girl time in and some time with my hubby and I even was motivated enough on Sunday to do Wii Active, a workout DVD and spend 90 minutes at the gym! Crazy stuff!

I’m finding I’m loving working out again and I like that I can feel and start seeing changes in my body. I really hope I can keep all of this up because I feel so much much better. I know Keith is happier when we go to. I need to get back into running again as well. I’d like to do a 1/2 marathon this summer.

Besides that, things are pretty quiet right now for Keith and I. Sometimes I like winter because it forces Keith and I to slow down a bit and really just enjoy being together.

Dang. How did I let over 2 weeks pass?

I can’t believe it is January 3rd and moreso that I haven’t put up a post on here since the middle part of December. We’ll I’m here to remedy that.

The holidays were quiet for Keith and I. My siblings were both out of town and unavailable so we didn’t have a big Ward Christmas in the first time ever. It was a little bit odd not waking up at my parents, and not seeing either of them at all during the holidays.

We did have a nice time with Keith’s side of the family though. Christmas Eve we went up to his aunt and uncle’s and had dinner and presents which is pretty traditional. Christmas day was largely Keith and I. We stayed in all day since the weather was miserable and it was nice just to have a time to enjoy the holiday with each other versus having to rush around to see everyone. Keith’s mom and brothers did come over around 5 and we did gifts and dessert with them since we had just seen them the day before.

My parents came over briefly after I got off work on the 26th and we exchanged gifts and spent Christmas together then.

New Years was pretty much the same. New Year’s Eve we went up to the Blairs’ and had a good time with some close friends but we barely made it to midnight. I think the holidays had caught up with all of us and we were pushing ourselves towards the end to make it. It was fun though as it always is. It is nice to just go somewhere we feel comfortable, have a couple of drinks, good conversation and act like adults and not have anyone get stupid or act stupid, seeing that isn’t really Keith and my style.

New Year’s Day? Once again pretty quiet. Keith and I did meet up with Christine and Kyle and went out to lunch and then saw Sherlock Holmes (we both loved it!). It was the 2nd time we were able to see Kyle during his 2 week stint home and we felt lucky.

Christine, Kyle, Keith and I get along pretty well and it is hard to realize that the old times really are old now. No longer are the days where we can just call them up and do something and have Kyle there to had his whit and help balance things out (especially since Keith and Kyle get along really well). It is just one more way that 2010 will prove to be a year different then the previous ones.

Keith and are hoping to make 2010 the last full year we rent and possibly the last full year we are childless. It is crazy to think what *gasp* next year could hold for us.

Will we move? Will we buy here? Will I get pregnant at the end of this year? Who knows but these are all possibilities for now.

What I do know? I will get to the gym 3x a week. I will do my Wii Active 4x a week. And I will train for a 1/2 marathon. I need to get my butt back in shape and I know I can do it. Everything else is just a waiting game for a little bit to tweek our fiances and make them ready for the other changes.

2010 should be an interesting year for Keith and I, and honestly I’m excited for it!

Crazy things happening at work

I won’t report on last weekend, there isn’t much to report. I was able to see one of my good guy friends on Friday and drink a lot of wine. Saturday I as able to hangout with a girlfriend and some of her friends which was a blast and Sunday we saw Keith’s family to celebrate Keith’s 40th birthday.

I walked into work yesterday morning and ServiceMaster was here. Not a good sign. It turns out the sprinklers went off for no reason and the building was flooded quite a bit. So they’ve been here since, and there is all sorts of commotion, let alone the constant humming of fans and dehumidifiers. It will be a long time before this place is whole again.

There are also some personnel changes that happened today and I’m really, really hoping things don’t affect me. I like where I work and the people I work with. I really don’t want things to change. We will see what happens, hopefully they will just hire someone from the outside to replace the other person and we can move forward but it will be a long road again of covering lunches and such as we are short-staffed yet again.

Besides that, not much going on. Just gearing up to celebrate Keith’s birthday the way it should be, since he only turns 40 once. We are hitting the town on Saturday and we might even go out on Friday since I rarely get a Saturday off and it would be nice to take advantage of things.

Ahhh thank goodness it is Wednesday

Things were a bit stressful Sunday and Monday for reasons I won’t go into here but most of the things seem to be resolved, which is really good.

Last night I finished Christmas cards, man I didn’t realize we knew so many people! I did a workout DVD and I ate well. So, I’m calling it a good night.

Today is work. Blah. Then going out with my high school girlfriends for dinner, which I’m looking forward to. Please keep your fingers crossed that the roads are clear and not icy or snowy. We are meeting about 60 minutes from where I live so any kind of inclement weather and that could put a damper on things.

Tomorrow, Keith is off work with me and we are giving blood, probably going out to lunch and then going to workout. I think we will work on wrapping gifts too since I have most of mine here now. So an exciting day off with the hubby ;-p. It is so supposed to be so bitterly cold that we probably won’t want to do anything else.

This weekend? Saturday. gym and then a girls night. Sunday? birthday lunch for Keith with my IL’s. So a pretty low-key weekend but that’s the way I like them!

Being sick just plain stinks

So, I thought I had gotten over being sick. I guess I was wrong. I spent pretty much all day Friday and Saturday being cooped up and man was I stir crazy by the end of that. I think I needed the rest though because I feel so much better today. I am going to just try and get through my work day and go home and finish my Christmas cards tonight.

Tomorrow, it’s ON. I’m back to eating right, back to getting to the gym and back to feeling good.

This is a busy week…

Today: Christmas Cards
Tuesday: Gym
Wednesday: Going out with HS friends
Thursday: Keith is off work with me but I’m thinking it may just be a normal day, I’m hoping to get to the gym
Friday: Friend is coming over
Saturday: gym, Girls night
Sunday: Out with IL’s to celebrate Keith’s birthday

So yes, a busy but good week.

It is Wednesday… yay!

Yesterday was pretty rock star. I tracked what I ate, I did well with it, and I hit the gym for 2 hours. Look at me go! I probably won’t have time for any exercise tonight, unless it is something quick before I go out to eat with Christine tonight.

Tomorrow is the day that I finish Christmas shopping, all I have to do is get Keith’s stuff and I have some good ideas on that, and hitting the gym later.

And yes, I know I need to put pictures up from last weekend. I will hopefully do that tomorrow.