Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Anyone out there?

So. I’ve decided to get back into blogging. I don’t have a lot to say right now, but there may be some big news coming down to make it worth reading my blog. So… stay tuned!

As for now, Keith and I are muddling along. Emily and Mike’s wedding was beautiful and amazing. We both feel honored to have been apart of it.

Starting Saturday we head down to TN/NC/VA for a 10 day adventure. We are going to possibly scout out places to move to. We are stopping by Doug and Karen’s and Aaron and Lisa’s as well. It will be a fun trip, and I really can’t wait to get on the road.

Thanks for coming back to my blog. I promise to be more diligent in my posting and hopefully you’ll find it interesting and entertaining.

13 Days? Really? EEEK!

Knowing my life, and how often I post, this may be my last post before we leave. 18 months has come down to 13 days. I can’t believe it. Keith has gotten the suitcases out, and we are starting to fill them. I think the only other thing I was more pumped about was my wedding day. Keith and I have worked and saved very hard for this trip and it should be a great time.

We have a busy social calendar before we leave though. Dinner with a coworker and her husband, dinner with my friend Jen, Spa with Christine, wine with another friend, girlfriends coming over and going to Cubs game. I think that is all we are doing? What is nice is is should make the next 13 days fly by.

I can’t think of much else we really need to do. Credit Cards have been authorized for overseas use. I’ve gotten a starter amount of Euros. We are getting our converters in the next couple of days. Passports are on hand. Mail hold is placed. I know there are a few other odds and ends we need to take care of but I think for the most part we are good!

So if I don’t post again until later in October! Have a great one!

It’s been awhile…

I’m here, life has been busy and I really haven’t had much to update on. Keith and I had a good summer. We did a lot of little day trips, we spent a lot of downtime inside (since it was so gosh darn hot and rainy) and we just enjoyed being married. I love, love, love being married. It is great to have someone to come home to everyday and share life with, even if it is the boring, everyday stuff.

The big news is that we are going to Ireland a month from to today! I am so pumped. We will be gone 11 days seeing all sorts of sights. The airfare is booked, we’ve got an itinerary and we’ll be getting going on everything else shortly.

We’re also getting serious about our fitness and I’m training to run a 1/2 marathon and Keith wants to do 100 miles. The running is going alright. I ran a 5k yesterday and was a decent result, I just want to keep going and see where I end up.

I am also loving my relationship with my parents. I feel like we have a great time together and I hate it when our visits come to an end. They were gone for the past 2 weeks to Glacier Park and it was rough not being able to be in touch for that long. I’m glad they’re back!

This week should be good, a work bar-b-que, running, and more planning of Ireland.

Date night success

Last night was a whirlwind. Keith and I got off work and decided to go into the city *gasp* on a weeknight! Granted, Wednesday nights are not really a week night for me since I’m off Thursdays, yet we rarely do much of anything during the week except go to the gym. Yet, it was a beautiful night so we decided to make a go for it.

We hit the El on the way to a highly rated barbque place (don’t tell Weight Watchers!!). The trip in was uneventful (I love the El) and before we knew it we were there. The food was FANTASTIC (the joint is called Brand Barbque Market), the service was friendly and they had the doors open and it felt like I was on a mini-vacation.

We also had found a small, old-school theater to FINALLY go see Iron Man 2 in. Yes, it smelled a bit, it was SUPER old and pretty run down, but it was $4 and we made it work. Iron Man was great. Not as fantastic as the original but still very good.

We got home around 11:30ish and had a fantastic time going into the city, and in fact we’ll probably go again this weekend.

I love that it is just Keith and I and we can go and do this and we don’t have to worry about kids right now.

I can’t wait for my 2.5 day weekend. Keith and I have no plans so I hope to really do some fun stuff!

Long time, no post

I’m sorry I have neglected you blog. I have missed you but as my days get busy, I forget to post or find that I don’t have anything interesting to say. Yet, I do like writing here and I should make more time for it. I am hoping June brings good things as far as blogging goes.

So how is life? Pretty good! I went down to Missouri for Memorial Day weekend and was able to see my favorite “niece”. She is 1 now! And I have a feeling that she is walking independently or will be soon. She was so close when I was down there. I really wish I could get down there more often but I have limited time off.

Keith and I are hoping to enjoy the summer despite not taking a vacation during it. So it will be a Wednesday overnight maybe in July and enjoying our 1 1/2 day weekends with local events. I’ve booked out every festival on the calendar so hopefully we can get to some of those and have a great time.

I am still very much wavering on the baby front. Keith and I have put the decision off for another year since we know we don’t want kids now. Yet, I have a feeling that a year, or 12 (okay maybe in 12 because then I will have the age thing facing me) I really won’t know what I want. It is just such a hard choice. Keith and I really, really enjoy being “us”. Not that we do any wild and crazy things but it is just nice to get up and go and see the world and it be just the two of us. Yet, kids bring their own rewards and I know that part of me would like the chance to be a mom. So, I try not to think about all of this for now and just live life.

Speaking of living life, I can’t wait for tonight’s Hawk’s game. They could win it all tonight! I’ve seem pretty much every game this season (or at least tried to and then fell asleep) and it is so rewarding to have your team do well (hear that CUBS???). It will be a blast to go out tonight and hopefully see history made.

Have you ever…

Remember those days where you would go around with your girlfiends and ask “Have you ever?”. This has been floating around on some of the blogs that I read, so I figure I would take my turn.

1. Walked out of a movie theater?
Once that I can remember. The Green Mile. Not because it was a bad movie but because it was just too realistic. I don’t do well with movies with people dying that are too realistic. I can’t wait war movies for the same reason. I get too into it and think about the real people that did in deed die.

2. Spontaneously bought a movie… I’m sure I have, I just can’t think of one right now. I haven’t bought a movie in a long time. Maybe Rent?

3. Major Celebrity Crush… Yes! David Boreanaz from Bones! He is massively hot and I love the character he plays.

4. Called in sick… Yes. I don’t know why some people won’t. I think everyone should take a day away every once and awhile.

5. Been lazy…Sometimes too much. I’m trying to get better at this.

6.Had a bad haircut…If you know about my awful perm phase.

7. Had you heartbroken…
Yup. But I’m very glad it was. I learned so much and it allowed me to move on and be who I am now,

8. Wanted to look like a celebrity…no not really. I’ve always liked being me.

The good and bad?

The good? Wednesday night-Thursday morning were a blast with my mom and sister. I find myself really looking forward to the Milwaukee trips. It is nice to get the girls of my family together.

I came back home yesterday and was just drained. I didn’t do much of anything. I think I may be getting sick, ugh.

I woke up this morning with a massive headache, pms and just exhausted. I really wanted to call in sick to work, but I didn’t. So here I am at work just trying to get through the day. I’m going to Ellen’s Mary Kay debut tonight and then tomorrow I have a full day of work, hopefully the gym and girls night. I may push the gym though for Sunday depending on how I feel.

I really wish I could just go home and go back to bed. I am so just on empty right now. This crazy week has taken a lot out me. I cannot wait for Sunday.

Thank you Cynthia!

My great friend Cynthia on her blog has inspired me to answer the questions she reposted onto her blog.

So I decided to answer all the lovely questions that Self Magazine asked the lovely Jessica Alba. I think it’s an interesting way to find out new things about people.

•If I weren’t a banker I’d love to be… I’m not really sure. Probably a coach or something to that extent. I can’t wait to coach my kids in their sports.
•When I want to blow off steam I love…running, especially when I can do it outside. There is something so simple and great about putting on a pair of shoes and hitting the pavement.
•The trait I love most in myself is… I think I can usually find the good in most people and I am mostly a glass is half-full kind of girl, which I think helps others see things a bit brighter.
•The cause I love most is… huger. I can’t think of anything more vital. I try and donate time and money to it as much as I can.
•After I get great news I love calling… my parents. They are just a rock for me, they support and offer gentle guidence when I’ve needed it.
•Even though some might consider them a flaw, I’ve learned to love… my flabby thighs. They are the one thing that continually pushes me to get to the gym and when I know I need to push myself harder.
•When it come to eating, I love saying, … I love food! I just need to be better about what I eat and the portion sizes of what I eat.
•When I’m on the Internet, I love checking out… just about everything. I’ve been an internet junkie since I was little. I love “meeting” new people and finding things out.
•I love Ashton Kutcher’s… sense of humor. The guy has made millions from just being himself and having fun with it. And he’s made me laugh. Who doesn’t love a guy that can make you laugh. (I agree 100% Cynthia)
•I’d love to tell the paparazzi… I’m not interested in if a celebrity is wiping the snot off their kids nose. I want to see them on the screen where I’ll pay for it. Let them have a life. I wouldn’t want to be followed around in my life just because of my job (although clients sometimes do so I know it’s nuts). (I could not have said it better!)
•I love the way I feel… When I cuddle up with Keith on the couch. There is just something amazing about being in love.
•I love my hair most when it’s… shoulder length and able to be put up in a ponytail. I think it is time for a cut when this winter is over.
•In 10 years I’d love to be… living where we want to be in our own house with maybe a couple of kids and just enjoying life.

How is it Monday already?

Wow. It is Monday already. Geez. How does that happen.

So I managed to complete my workout goals from last week. I feel very proud of myself. I did allow myself to have off on Sunday after working out every day prior.

It was a good social week as well. I was able to visit with my high school girlfriends, went to my parents with Ryan and Jen and just enjoyed my marriage.

This week is NUTS, seriously crazy. I’m going to break it down by day as my usual style.

Monday: Gym
Tuesday: Feed my Starving Children a great program and and we are meeting up with my parents to do it down in Aurora
Wednesday: Grease up in Milwaukee with Emily and mom
Thursday: come home from Milwaukee, go to the gym
Friday: High School Friend’s Mary Kay debut
Saturday: Gym and then girls night
Sunday: Finally some free time

I really hope I have the strength to get through this week and don’t allow it to get to me and skip my workouts. I’m making great progress with my running and I need to stick with it.

Have a good week!

The Good and the Bad…

The good of last weekend? Saturday night, going out with mom and dad to see Jazz artists and eat food from Elgin’s Culinary students. It was actually a lot of fun! Doing things like this with my parents really makes me wonder if I will be happy living here without them. Yes, I can do it but man wouldn’t it just be more fun to be near them? Sunday we went out to a local sports bar to watch the Hawks win.I am such a sports junkie and I get excited about going to sports bars! Yesterday? Keith made Valentine’s Day dinner of steak, potatoes and aspargus and it was SUPER yummy!

The bad? I didn’t workout nor get to the gym. Once again I made excuses for myself and got lazy. Sigh. I WILL be better this week.

That being said, here are my goals for this week…

Tuesday: Gym (C25k and Weights)
Wednesday: Wii Active in the am (going out with my high school girls after work)
Thursday: Wii Active and Gym
Friday: Wii Active in the am (vino with a friend after work)
Saturday: Gym
Sunday: Wii Active and maybe the gym if I slouch earlier this week.

I will do this, it just isn’t that hard.