How is it Monday already?

Wow. It is Monday already. Geez. How does that happen.

So I managed to complete my workout goals from last week. I feel very proud of myself. I did allow myself to have off on Sunday after working out every day prior.

It was a good social week as well. I was able to visit with my high school girlfriends, went to my parents with Ryan and Jen and just enjoyed my marriage.

This week is NUTS, seriously crazy. I’m going to break it down by day as my usual style.

Monday: Gym
Tuesday: Feed my Starving Children a great program and and we are meeting up with my parents to do it down in Aurora
Wednesday: Grease up in Milwaukee with Emily and mom
Thursday: come home from Milwaukee, go to the gym
Friday: High School Friend’s Mary Kay debut
Saturday: Gym and then girls night
Sunday: Finally some free time

I really hope I have the strength to get through this week and don’t allow it to get to me and skip my workouts. I’m making great progress with my running and I need to stick with it.

Have a good week!

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