Long time, no post

I’m sorry I have neglected you blog. I have missed you but as my days get busy, I forget to post or find that I don’t have anything interesting to say. Yet, I do like writing here and I should make more time for it. I am hoping June brings good things as far as blogging goes.

So how is life? Pretty good! I went down to Missouri for Memorial Day weekend and was able to see my favorite “niece”. She is 1 now! And I have a feeling that she is walking independently or will be soon. She was so close when I was down there. I really wish I could get down there more often but I have limited time off.

Keith and I are hoping to enjoy the summer despite not taking a vacation during it. So it will be a Wednesday overnight maybe in July and enjoying our 1 1/2 day weekends with local events. I’ve booked out every festival on the calendar so hopefully we can get to some of those and have a great time.

I am still very much wavering on the baby front. Keith and I have put the decision off for another year since we know we don’t want kids now. Yet, I have a feeling that a year, or 12 (okay maybe in 12 because then I will have the age thing facing me) I really won’t know what I want. It is just such a hard choice. Keith and I really, really enjoy being “us”. Not that we do any wild and crazy things but it is just nice to get up and go and see the world and it be just the two of us. Yet, kids bring their own rewards and I know that part of me would like the chance to be a mom. So, I try not to think about all of this for now and just live life.

Speaking of living life, I can’t wait for tonight’s Hawk’s game. They could win it all tonight! I’ve seem pretty much every game this season (or at least tried to and then fell asleep) and it is so rewarding to have your team do well (hear that CUBS???). It will be a blast to go out tonight and hopefully see history made.

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