Date night success

Last night was a whirlwind. Keith and I got off work and decided to go into the city *gasp* on a weeknight! Granted, Wednesday nights are not really a week night for me since I’m off Thursdays, yet we rarely do much of anything during the week except go to the gym. Yet, it was a beautiful night so we decided to make a go for it.

We hit the El on the way to a highly rated barbque place (don’t tell Weight Watchers!!). The trip in was uneventful (I love the El) and before we knew it we were there. The food was FANTASTIC (the joint is called Brand Barbque Market), the service was friendly and they had the doors open and it felt like I was on a mini-vacation.

We also had found a small, old-school theater to FINALLY go see Iron Man 2 in. Yes, it smelled a bit, it was SUPER old and pretty run down, but it was $4 and we made it work. Iron Man was great. Not as fantastic as the original but still very good.

We got home around 11:30ish and had a fantastic time going into the city, and in fact we’ll probably go again this weekend.

I love that it is just Keith and I and we can go and do this and we don’t have to worry about kids right now.

I can’t wait for my 2.5 day weekend. Keith and I have no plans so I hope to really do some fun stuff!

One response to this post.

  1. I love random date nights. And I miss being able to jump on the train and go to the city. Glad you enjoyed it.


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